Title: Our Own Story Author: Tifaching Characters: Dean, Sam, OCs Genre: Gen, Post Season 15 ep 19 Word Count: 4772 A/N: Written for stardustdean at this year's
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Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and happy holidays to all who don't. I hope everyone had the most wonderful day possible. I am spending the weekend with my sister and her family which is so, so great. I had a delicious prime rib dinner and got and gave presents. I'm a happy Tif right now. I hope my LJ family are happy right now too
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Characters: Dean, Sam Rating PG for language Word Count: 3657 Summary: Written for a prompt at the spn hurt/comfort Christmas prompt meme. While Sam is on a Christmas eggnog run, deaf!Dean comes out of the hotel room to find a bunch of kids wanting to sing to him. They're so cute he lets them, not letting on that he can't hear a word they're singing
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